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I Stand With Planned Parenthood  Sep 18, 2011 • 2:35:11am

Fentanyl? Heavy duty shit!

OMG! I had that during childbirth as a precursor to my epidural.

I was cracking jokes during delivery I was soooo high.

Boondocksaint  Sep 18, 2011 • 7:26:14am

Spending billions on a drug war while it’s the legal drugs that kill.

SidewaysQuark  Sep 18, 2011 • 8:36:21am

re: #2 Boondocksaint

Spending billions on a drug war while it’s the legal drugs that kill.

Don’t give the authorities any ideas……..

Hal_10000  Sep 18, 2011 • 4:49:17pm

re: #2 Boondocksaint

They are already arresting doctors who exceed some secret DEA formula for “appropriate” narcotic levels. They have even prosecuted doctors for deaths of people who supposedly had too much pain medicine under extremely dubious scientific arguments (i.e., attributing to drugs deaths that may not be related in any way). In fact, I am extremely skeptical of this report given the drug warriors’ propensity to lie and exaggerate whenever it suits them. I suspect this will be like the CDC’s obesity study or second-hand smoke study. They’ll get press with these huge number, the quietly report the much smaller correct ones.

Tim G.  Sep 18, 2011 • 5:34:58pm

Sad to see the most prosperous nation on earth eat and medicate its way into oblivion.

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